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Are Your Beliefs Holding You Back?

Mar 05, 2022

My beliefs held me back for years and I never even knew it! 

As a kid, I watched my dad compete in athletic events at the track, on the football pitch and running distance races. 

He loved to be active and he instilled that into me too!

However, he never ran further than a half marathon and sometimes even 10k looked REALLY hard!

So, that's what I believed - running far is HARD!

Then my husband became a triathlete. He joined a local triathlon club and is actually out on his bike with them as I write to you!

His initial goal was to complete the Malibu triathlon on his birthday 3 years ago. You wouldn't get me swimming in the ocean there (sharks!), but ok, I topped up his life insurance. LOL!

He completed his initial goal and thoroughly enjoyed the entire experience. He was hooked!

Next came the half Ironman and finally last year he completed his first full Ironman triathlon! I am SO proud of the way he has trained and dedicated himself to achieving his goals.

Here's the thing though - do you think he would have been as successful without being surrounded by...incredibly successful triathletes?

There are members of the club who compete in the World Championships for Ironman (full and half distance) every year!

I'm sure you've heard the saying, "You are the sum of the 5 people you surround yourself with."

Who's in your 5? Are they propelling you towards your goals or sowing seeds of doubt about your likelihood to get there?

Another great quote I heard this week was "Making $20k months may seem impossible until you start hanging out with people who make $20k days."

Success breeds success and it can certainly rub off on you too!

When I saw my husband complete a marathon AFTER he'd swum 2.4 miles AND biked 112 miles...I knew I could put the training in and check something off my list that my dad had not done. 

I'm in week 8 of my marathon training and loving it! 

Surround yourself with people who are already doing what you want to do and your likelihood of success increases exponentially!

It's your time to shine!

Emma x

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